
What If the Scriptures Aren’t about Me?

In a recent post about the communal nature of Christianity, I discussed the individualism that’s poisoning the church. Even the way we interact with the Scriptures is often colored by our “me” oriented culture. A lot of leaders encourage me to … Continue reading → »

The Idol of Self

Idols aren’t just made of stone and wood. They’re more often built of appeals to personal identity. It’s the self that most often gets worshiped. (Little wonder that most idols built of wood and stone look at least somewhat human.) Identity in America is the highest achievement, our call to be who we are on [...] »

The Necessities

  “And the officers commanded them [the Israelites]: When you see the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God carried by Levitical priests. you must break camp and follow it.“ - Joshua 3:3 I find this passage of Scripture so fascinating. Think about it…. At this time, the Israelites had been following the leading of [...] »

When I Said No To God

When I Said No To God

From my book, The Descent to Compassion Abruptly I noticed a strange fog begin to fill the church. It came from the opening just above the sanctuary near the back of our church. As the fog settled among the people, I thought my prayers had been answered in the form of a divine miracle, but [...] Related posts: Leaving A Legacy That Counts (4 Tips) Don’t Fail To Live The Gospel Below The Disc... »