

 ”And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” - Matthew 16:18 This week, Lindsey’s great grandfather passed away, so we left Virginia Tuesday to head to Alabama for the funeral. Funeral was beautiful. Showed me that life is [...] »

Why I Pat My Belly

What a beautiful moment.My little girl jumpshappily into my arms -holds me close and whispers in my ear:"Daddy, you're fat!"What do you do in a moment like this?How do you respond?For one, you're a little insecureabout that added weight -but it's not like you can just go cry in a corner.I mean, c'mon man! You're an adultwith a mortgage! Get a hold of yourself, will ya?So you do what any respe... »

What If Christianity Isn’t about Me?

We keep ourselves honest by examining the lens through which we see the world. If our lens is dirty or discolored, our ability to accurately examine the world is in jeopardy. The only chance we have at embracing reality as … Continue reading → »

Should a Christian Disobey the Government?

Should a Christian Disobey the Government?

Obedience forms the core of the Christian faith. We, first of all, surrender our very identities to shoulder crosses and follow Christ. Day by day we push away what it is we think we need for what it is God gives. Beyond that, we submit to pastoral oversight and the mutual surrender of being one [...] »