
Mobilizing U.S. Pastors to Participate in the End Time Revival of Joel 2:28

To miss this end time revival of Joel 2:28 is to miss your calling, and the very Kingdom of God. In this land of dry bones, the LORD is calling all American Pastors to repentance and to revival from the dead (Ezekiel 37:1-14). Globally, the end time re... »

Dance Ministry Choreographs Olympics Outreach

As Olympics outreaches gear up, Operation Mobilization is sending for dancing evangelists, of sorts. DanceLink, a ministry of OM Arts, functions at OM Lifehope as a creative avenue for dancers to share the love of Jesus in a variety of styles and setti... »

You’re Invited to Wait

I hate waiting because I can’t see. Even standing on my tiptoes, trying to figure out what God’s doing, I can’t always catch glimpses of the changes He’s causing. I’m blinded by my condition—my stuck-in-the-present focus on life. I see what’s now; He sees what’s later. The difference is huge. So, I get upset. And [...] »

Study Identifies Eight Measures of Personal Discipleship

How do you recognize a maturing believer? A new LifeWay Research study offers some keen insights for five-fold ministers looking for growth among their disciples. In 2008, LifeWay Research surveyed 7,000 churches to discover the principles involved wit... »