
Here is some old time worship. Look how the women…

Here is some old time worship. Look how the women are dressed? http://dallascog.sermon.net/Live_Broadcast/livebroadcast/20626193 »

The ominous "black Friday" is upon us! It is time for rapture rations! Where are all the women, first to go I guess? #ourCOG

The ominous "black Friday" is upon us! It is time for rapture rations! Where are all the women, first to go I guess? #ourCOG »

End time truth… What do you THINK about RAPTURE ?

End time truth… What do you THINK about RAPTURE ?

End time truth… What do you THINK about RAPTURE ? »

Do women with 'old time holiness' pre1985 style get ready…

Do women with ‘old time holiness’ pre1985 style get ready for church faster or does the time with the hair and Bobby pins take just as long as makeup? »