
Tithe vs General Fund

I consider my support to the local church as gifts to support the work of the Lord. I have mentioned here and on the old forum that since I have been in or around the COG all my life, I know many of the southern COG ministers. Several have become Overseers and worked in COG & Missions admin. I do know many jobs that were created (evidently) for men who needed income until a 'slot' was found. I... »

Controversial Topic: Is the requirement for CoG ministers to tithe contrary to the Scripture?

Ministers of the Church of God are required to pay tithes, and to attest that they are paying tithes each month when they report. This is required according to the Minutes and is necessary to retain and maintain a ministerial license. Therefore, if a CoG minister does not tithe, then they are forfeiting their license. The question I have, is does this violate Scripture? 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 talks... »

The Tithe of Tithes

A Tale of Three Cities The second church I was called to pastor took me two thousand miles from where I was serving as a State Director of Youth and Evangelism. I had gone to a western mission state to serve as state youth director on the promise of $4... »

Sabbath Stats: Top 10 Church of God Congregations in Tennessee (2016-2017)

Sabbath Stats: Top 10 Church of God Congregations in Tennessee (2016-2017)

Cleveland-North, Mark L. Williams $197,437.50 – 1,813 Knoxville-Park West, Gerald E. McGinnis $154,159.33 – 1,283 Ooltewah-Redemption Point Church, Kevin Wallace $136,673.76 Cleveland-Westmore, Kelvin Earl Page $115,190.44 – 1,069 Chattanooga-The Crossing, Terry Lee Harris $80,629.54 – 855 Chattanooga-City Church, Michael Ray Chapman $61,096.33 – 976 Cleveland-South, ... »