
COGHQ Covid-19 Response: Top 10 Takeaways

COGHQ Covid-19 Response: Top 10 Takeaways

COGHQ Coronavirus Response: Top 10 Takeaways Winterfest cancellation estimated at $600K to $1M Registrations and fees will be refunded even if a loan is needed COGHQ offices closed this week, possibly next Will General Assembly be cancelled? No Camp meeting cancelled at this time Emergency fund measure at General Assembly Possible legal disadvantage if someone infected during a church meeting Foll... »

State Administrative Bishop Preference/Evaluation voting process

State Administrative Bishop Preference/Evaluation voting process View this email in your browser ... »

Church of God Responds to Pew Research Article

Church of God Responds to Pew Research Article

On November 4, 2016, the Pew Research Center released an article entitled, “The Most and Least Educated U.S. Religious Groups.” The article articulates the percentage of adults in each religious group who completed the following: college degree; some college; high school degree; and less than high school. The report states, “These groups are among the top of a list of 30 U.S. religious groups rank... »

Process to Elect Youth and Discipleship Leader Announced

Process to Elect Youth and Discipleship Leader Announced You are signed up to receive updates from the Faith News Network ... »