
Church of God General Assembly 2018 Agenda: Jeremiah Generation

Church of God General Assembly 2018 Agenda: Jeremiah Generation

XXIV.     RESOLUTION: GENERATIONAL ASSIMILATION RATIONALE: An aging ministry needs the vigor of the next generation. An upcoming generation of ministry needs the wisdom gained from the experience of the preceding generation. In an effort to foster a uniting spirit such as that which bonded Elijah and Elisha (2 Kings 3:11), the expression of gratitude for that which has been done must be united wit... »

Church of God General Assembly 2018 Agenda:  Requirements of Applicants for Ministry

Church of God General Assembly 2018 Agenda: Requirements of Applicants for Ministry

General Requirements of Applicants for Ministry RATIONALE: This motion seeks to change the current process of credentialing for exhorters and ordained ministers outside the United States and Canada to allow for a stronger sense of identity with the national Church of God where they will serve. The introductory level of credentialing could be expedited by empowering the field director to sign crede... »

REMEMBERING: Bishop John F. Corcoran

REMEMBERING: Bishop John F. Corcoran

John Corcoran Obituary John Francis Corcoran: Bishop, Pastor, LCDC III Counselor (June 26, 1947 – March 17, 2023) John Francis Corcoran was called home to Jesus on March 17, 2023, after a lengthy and well fought battle with cancer. John was born in Waterbury Connecticut on June 26, 1947, to John and Eugenia Corcoran, the eldest of their six children. After high school, John joined the Air Force se... »

Smoky Mountain Gathering ’23 Slated for Next Month

Smoky Mountain Gathering ’23 Slated for Next Month ... »