“Kadesh Barnea”
Dear Daughters of Rachel, You’ve prayed earnestly for a thing and the answer seemed so close, but the results never came to fruition? Lord, why? You had a dream. You worked hard and waited patiently for the desired outcome. But … »
Dear Daughters of Rachel, You’ve prayed earnestly for a thing and the answer seemed so close, but the results never came to fruition? Lord, why? You had a dream. You worked hard and waited patiently for the desired outcome. But … »
It may seem difficult to comprehend that there is something better than heaven! Growing up in a minister’s home, my teaching and visual concept was that heaven was the ultimate final destination. However, I have discovered one thing “better than … »
During my 29 years of traveling to the Holy Land in 34 trips, I have never been in or near the Gaza strip. Gaza in Biblical history, was the land of the ancient Philistines, a large tribal group that included the coastal areas of Israel from the border... »
Several days prior to making the journey to England for the New Testament Church of God’s annual conference in Birmingham, I received a test from one of our youth leaders which resulted into a prophetic word and warning. There is a young woman who on several occasions experiences dreams and visions of events, which no one knows are coming and in her dreams she sees events before they o... »