Understanding Prayer (Part 2)

Daughters of Rachel, As we continue learning about prayer, know that when you enter into intercession, you are embracing what men call foolish and weak. God has chosen to use the things that men consider as weak to triumph over the things that men consider wise and mighty. God will use those who embrace the so called "weakness" of praying, fasting, giving, serving, and suffering persecution to tri... »

Understanding Prayer (Part 1)

Beloved Daughters of Rachel, In response to some of your questions, I'd like to take this time to help you understand more of how the ministry of prayer works. In doing this, I believe you will see how you-yes you, can make a difference when you pray. I will use the words "prayer" and "Intercession" interchangeably. God has chosen the ministry of prayer as the primary means in which He releases Hi... »

Inside the Ministry- May 3, 2014

There is more to These Blood-Moons than you know I am in high anticipation for the public release of our newest Manna-Fest offer that is soon to be released, the new book, “There is a Crack in Your Armor” and the new DVD preached live at OCI, “Blood Moons Rising and the Passover Signs.” For the past 24 months believers have been engaged in the strangest and most intense sp... »


 The high interest in prophetic teaching was evident at the 2014 Prophetic Summit at OCI. The ministry had prepared for 2,000 attendees, and the volunteer workers were stunned when on Thursday night, over 2800 men and women packed out the large ha... »