Inside the Ministry- May 3, 2014

There is more to These Blood-Moons than you know

I am in high anticipation for the public release of our newest Manna-Fest offer that is soon to be released, the new book, “There is a Crack in Your Armor” and the new DVD preached live at OCI, “Blood Moons Rising and the Passover Signs.” For the past 24 months believers have been engaged in the strangest and most intense spiritual warfare and are questioning how the enemy is getting into their lives and why odd thoughts are entering their minds. The new book discusses how some are inheriting their ancestor’s demons, and breaking the spirit of cutting and suicide, and how many believers are winning battles in public but behind the scenes in private, they are losing the war. When you have battered armor, what do you do with it? This book gives you the answer that is very surprising!