Inside the Ministry- October 24, 2013

  It was the Ultimate We have tagged the Main Event the Ultimate Refreshing and without a doubt, of all the conferences in 2013, this one was, as the youth say, “Off the chain!” I was so excited about the messages the Lord gave me and had no idea that two in particular: “What Happened to my Brain when the Tempter Came,” and “Living with a Four Faced Christian&r... »


  If we were to go back about 70 years, to America’s political landscape, we would see that there has always been a division between the two main political parties (Democrats and Republicans) on how to govern the nation.  However in those days there were six basics fundamentals that the nation rallied around, including any Senator, Congressman and even the President.   R... »

Main Event 2013 Article

Precious Daughters of Rachel, We have just come out of some of the greatest meetings ever at Voice of Evangelism. Last week at Main Event 2013, truly the Glory came down. It could only be described as... "Old-Time Pentecost." In the altars, we had as many young praying for the older as vice versa. Everywhere you turned, people were being saved, healed, delivered and filled with the Baptism of the ... »

Inside the Ministry- October 1, 2013

The team members, volunteers and staff at OCI and VOE are continually working almost non-stop, preparing the OCI facility and the OCI Ranch for the Main Event and the Fall Festival. If you have never attended one of the Main Events over the past several years, you should make an effort to attend this one!  The spiritual encouragement and impartation received is literally priceless.  The ... »