
Wally World Woes… revisited

Tonight I was chatting with an old friend and she was telling me about the trouble that she had in Wal-mart tonight. I told her I completely understood and began telling her about one of my worst days at Wally World. I told her I had blogged about it s... »

From the Inside Out: Sharing the Unchanging Gospel in a Changing World

[I wrote this about a year ago for a magazine and can now share it here.] On the south side of Richmond, Virginia, the elderly couple holds their sign and waits fruitlessly. In a place where Saturdays mark fish fries and sidewalk gatherings, they beckon to a church yard sale. In an area populated by [...] »

The Rapid Return

I have always been intrigued by the natural phenomena of lightning. The event itself is filled with contradictions. It is both beautiful and dangerous. It creates great light, but whether it strikes in the day or night, it comes out of darkened skies. It can kill quickly and burn horribly, but it adds nitrogen to [...] »

My Hope is in The Lion

Folks, my hope is not in a blue donkey, and neither is my hope in a red elephant. My hope is in The Lion....The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.....King Jesus, the Great High Priest Who sets at the right hand of the Father, and to Whom the Father has said, “ Sit here at [...] »