The Arab Peace Initiative Promoted By Saudi Arabia Demands A Two State Solution Giving East Jerusalem As The Capital Of A Palestinian State, Or No Deal!

The Arab Peace Initiative calls for a Palestinian state through the Two State Solution as the only hope for Israel to normalize relations with the Arabs

If Benjamin Netanyahu is prepared to do anything it takes to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia says the price of peace is the Two State Solution, what does that tell you is just about to happen? Is Bibi really about to ‘vote yes’ on the creation of a Palestinian state? He sure is, and if not, he will be replaced by someone who will. That’s where we are on the end times timeline right now. Tick, tock goes the clock sitting inside your King James Bible.

“Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem. Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:” Isaiah 28:14,15 (KJB)

On one side, we have the Abraham Accords created by Mohamed bin-Zayed with the sole purpose of backing Israel into a corner, dangling the carrot of ‘peace in the Middle East’. On the other side, we have the Arab Peace Initiative which now says to boxed-in Israel, the only path to peace is the Two State Solution. Now the Muslims likely aren’t aware of it, but just about every prophet in the Old Testament agrees with them about events that are set to surely take place shortly. Although the Abraham Accords have been the main focus of Arab-Israeli peace-making since they were signed, the Arab Peace Initiative (API), introduced by the late Saudi King Abdullah 20 years ago, remains relevant.

Saudi envoy to Palestinians: Two-state solution ‘central’ to Israel deal

FROM THE JERUSALEM POST: Saudi Arabia’s first ambassador to the Palestinian Authority, Nayef al-Sudairi, arrived in Ramallah on Tuesday morning, implying in a statement to reporters that the establishment of a Palestinian state with its capital in east Jerusalem would be a central pillar of any future deal with Israel.

Sudairi announced as well that the Kingdom intends to open a consulate in east Jerusalem. Such a move would seemingly require the approval of Israeli authorities.

In response to a question about the fate of the two-state solution if Saudi Arabia and Israel normalized relations, the ambassador told reporters on Tuesday that “the Arab Peace Initiative is the central point of any upcoming agreement,” according to the Palestinian Authority’s WAFA news agency.

What is the Arab Peace Initiative?

The Arab Peace Initiative promoted by Saudi Arabia and other members of the Arab League provides guidelines for peace between Israel and the rest of the Middle East. The initiative calls on Israel to accept the establishment of a Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital, to reach a “just solution” to the Palestinian refugee issue, and to withdraw from the Golan Heights.

Once Israel meets these requirements, the Arab countries which signed on to the Initiative will consider the Arab-Israeli conflict ended and enter normalization agreements with Israel.

“From the beloved state of #Palestine #Land_of_Canaan, the most beautiful greetings, coupled with the love of my master the #Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and His Highness the #Crown_Prince,” tweeted Sudairi on Tuesday.

Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki stated on Tuesday that Sudairi will return to Ramallah soon “to begin his work to develop relations between the two countries, as it is a major responsibility, and to work for his major mission, which is to preserve the Palestinian cause as the central issue for all Arabs, and certainly for Saudi Arabia,” according to WAFA.

The Saudi ambassador received his diplomatic credentials from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas during his visit to Ramallah on Tuesday. The credentials list Sudairi as “non-resident ambassador to the State of Palestine and consul general in the city of Jerusalem.”

“This step will contribute to strengthening the strong fraternal relations between the two countries and the two brotherly peoples,” said Abbas.

Sudairi stated after meeting Abbas that the two “emphasized the close relationship between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Palestine, and God willing, this visit will be the beginning of strengthening more relations in all fields.” READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

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