The Discussion the Church of God Desperately Wants

Posted on July 22, 2008 by tomsterbens
In an earlier article, I had written regarding perspectives on a meeting I had with the Church of God General Executive Committee. I want to share with you another of the concerns I communicated in that meeting. In several forums, I have well established my concern that the recapturing of credibility and trust become our number one priority and emphasis…perhaps to the point of sounding as though I am harping on this.
In that meeting, I communicated an opinion regarding the call for reduction (from pastors and local churches) in required contributions from local churches to state and general headquarters. My opinion was that the call was for a reduction in the general administrative infrastructure and expenditures and yet in the 2006 General Assembly we were presented with a reduction that was borne primarily on the back of World Missions. Continue reading →
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