Time and Chance | Jentezen Franklin
This is “Time and Chance”. We are to put God first in everything we do—in our marriage, our work, and our relationships, we are to put God first. In the beginning God created all things including man and woman. God is a creative God and we are sons and daughters of creativity. Creativity is needed in our lives today or else we can become stale. This creative God creates moments of “time and chance” for every life—and today could be yours. Will you make room for God in your life and in your home? Will you allow for the possibility that your moment of opportunity is about to knock on your door? A divine appointment is coming to you soon. Get ready.
This is an excerpt from “Colliding With Your Destiny”. To watch the full message, click here: https://youtu.be/OonWRm6rYhE
To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit http://jentezenfranklin.org/watch?cid=sm-yt & subscribe to this channel: http://goo.gl/yfkXHy
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