Try Stuff

“I never threw an illegal pitch. The trouble is, once in a while I toss one that ain’t never been seen by this generation.”

__Satchel Paige, Hall of Fame baseball pitcher

If you wait until everyone gets on board, you’re never leave the train station.

If you wait until you know what to do, you’re still be waiting when life is over.

At the end of your life, the embarrassment of spending your life sitting on your hands playing it safe, being a timid soul watching life pass you by is far worse than the embarrassment of falling flat on your face because you dared to try something that wasn’t sure to succeed.

Try stuff.

Take a chance.

Mix things up every once in a while.

If it is not immoral and it might work, help, or improve things…try it for Heaven’s sake.

Why not?

The worse that could happen is you fail and lose face…and if you’ve got a face like mine, that’s not a bad thing.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The victory doesn’t go to the guy who has all the answers or the gal who never fails, the victory goes to the one who tries.

The ONE THING for today: Try stuff. Either it works or it doesn’t. If it works, like Satchel, you’ve shown this generation a new pitch. If it doesn’t, you’ve figured out one less thing to do next time. Either way, progress has been made.

I chose the picture for this blog because the pitcher is a lefty. We lefties have to stick together. Also, the way he is gripping that ball, I’m guessing that is a pitch this generation hasn’t seen before. And a pitcher with a hole in the knee of his pants…now that’s a rarity. It may mean that he got a hit and even slide in to second base…or that he fell on his face trying a pitch that this generation has never seen before. Either way…good for him.