
I’ve been writing this for about a year, and was…

I’ve been writing this for about a year, and was…

Hello friends in Christ, just wanted to share the newest chapter of this apologetics book. Well worth a listen. I’ve been writing this for about a year, and was planning to publish through a New York affiliate mid-2020; considering the current global situation, it seemed imprudent to wait. »

Judith decapitating Holofernes (pictured above) C.S. Lewis was famous for…

Judith decapitating Holofernes (pictured above) C.S. Lewis was famous for…

Not sure if this has been posted here, but would be curious to hear the groups thoughts… Judith decapitating Holofernes (pictured above) C.S. Lewis was famous for stating that, “Everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea, until they have something to forgive.” But why is that? Obviousl… »

I am often brought up with the example of gumballs…

I am often brought up with the example of gumballs…

So not sure if this is quite the group for this…it goes more to a relationship between ontology and epistemology. Probably something more that Eric Hernandez would be maybe perhaps interested in reading. I have just posted it in the AXP (official) and am kinda curious the reception of it here with Christians as opposed to over there with primarily atheists. I wanted to be able to explain the... »

Are we really to believe that children are now cut…

Are we really to believe that children are now cut out of the covenant community? »