We Remember Catherine Kagarama
World Missions has been saddened to learn that Catherine Kagarama passed away. She was an outstanding daughter of the faith and worker in the Kingdom and will be greatly missed by all those who serve the Lord in Africa and her ministry and presence will be greatly missed. We extend our most sincere and profound love and sympathy to Bishop Joseph Kagarama, Regional Superintendent of the Eastern Region of Africa, and their family during this time.
The Field Director of Africa, Dr. Peter Thomas, said of her, “This is a very great loss as Catherine was known for her very genuine Christian love, her deep commitment to the Lord, her work among women, her love for the needy, the orphaned and the lost, her dedication to prayer and her love for her family and friends.”
Dr. David Griffis and Dr. M. Thomas Propes asks that the Church of God family around the globe please remember Brother Joseph and his family in prayer.