Where Most Things Won’t Grow

“Why do you seek the living among the dead?” _Luke 24:5

July 15, 2019 was one of the happiest days of my life.

In 2019 Sonja and I were privileged to live and minister in the north central region of the country and were taking a “working vacation” through Montana.  On July 15th we spent a day exploring the Glacier National Park.  As I said, it was one of the happiest and most fun days of our lives.

There are so many memories I could share.  But one of the memories that stands out to me was the blooming beargrass.  The beargrass dotted the mountainsides in the higher elevations and only bloom about once every 7 years and we hit it just right.  It was beautiful.

Those precious memories came flooding back to me a few days ago as I was reading through my reflections from that day in my prayer journal.

I had reflected that there are some sights that you can only see if you’re willing to climb.  (A good point.)

But today I remembered something I recently read about certain lifeforms that live and thrive in the deepest depths of the earth where the heat is intense from the lava that boils up.


Life exists everywhere, for God’s thoughts and presence is everywhere and He is the source and sustainer of all life.

Today you may find yourself in one of the darkest and most desolate seasons of your life, but God has something growing there.  Put your attention and efforts towards nurturing and cherishing that life; it is there that you will find your greatest purpose and fulfillment and it is there where you will create your most priceless and precious memories.   

The ONE THING for today: Something/someone will live and thrive no matter where you are. That is where you must focus.