Why Didn’t You Tell Me!?

10 Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you. _1 Kings 17:10

This is one of those days when you say to Abba Father, “Why didn’t You tell me!?” 

My big task for this day was to get my sermon for tomorrow completed.  Mission accomplished! 

Then in the evening, just after having braved low 20-degree weather to top my tank off for the morning trip, I get a call from the pastor informing me that due to the weather the best course was to call off the service.  Wow, a day’s work down the drain. 

Of course, not really, I enjoyed the study and needed it personally, and will (hopefully) preach the sermon on a later date.  But it was one of those moments when you wish God would have given you a heads up. 

I feel like the widow in 1 Kings 17 whom God had commanded to feed the prophet Elijah, but she didn’t know it until he actually got there.  There she was, pre-Elijah, going about her daily life, making plans according to the knowledge she had and all the while God had other plans for her that she didn’t even know of.

Today was basically the same thing for me. 

But God is God and I’m not; He gets to make the rules.

However, just because I don’t always know what God is up to, I do know God, and He is good and loving and kind to His children, so no matter what happens or what I thought was supposed to happen, I’m in good hands with Abba Father.

So long story short, this day turned out far different than I had planned.  I think of the expression: “We plan; God laughs.”  But that’s okay, for when God’s happy, we’re all happy. 

The ONE THING for today: Plans change, but God doesn’t.  Trust Him even when He doesn’t explain or give you a heads up.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash