12 Nov 2023

Emergency declared as record-high magma accumulation and intense earthquake swarm force Grindavík evacuation, Iceland
In response to a significant escalation in seismo-volcanic activity on the Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland, characterized by an exceptional accumulation of magma, the intrusion of a substantial dike, and an intense earthquake swarm, the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) and Civil Defense authorities have implemented critical safety protocols on November 10, 2023. These measures include the mandatory evacuation of Grindavík and the proclamation of a state of emergency

Alaska’s largest city declares ‘snow emergency’ after record snowfall piles up on back-to-back days
A winter storm dropped record snowfall amounts in Anchorage, Alaska, with some areas outside of Anchorage proper receiving more than 2 feet of snowfall in just two days.

Anchorage adds to record homeless death total as major winter storm drops more than 2 feet of snow
Four homeless people have died in Anchorage in the last week, underscoring the city’s ongoing struggle to house a large homeless population at the same time winter weather has returned, with more than 2 feet of snow falling within 48 hours.

American Elementary School Reportedly Scraps Veterans Day Assembly, Replaces It with UN-Sponsored ‘Day of Tolerance’
The quickest way to teach what “peace” isn’t and “intolerance” is among conservatives is to minimize Veterans Day at our kids’ schools. That is what one elementary school in Washington state is finding out.

‘Aliens,’ or a foreign power? Pentagon UFO chief says someone is in our backyard
“This week, the director of the U.S. government’s UFO analysis office stated that there is “evidence” of concerning unidentified flying object activity “in our backyard.” According to physicist Seán Kirkpatrick, who heads the congressionally-mandated All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, this alarming UFO activity can be attributed to one of two extraordinary sources: either a foreign power or “aliens.”

Karma Hits The MSM As Washington Post To Suffer $100 Million Loss For 2023, Toxic Feminist Site Jezebel Shutters
Happy Veterans Day and a thank you to those that served to protect America. While we are in the midst of World War III, with Iran using their terrorist proxies Hamas and Hezbollah, and the U.S. using Israel against Iran, and Ukraine against Russia, we still have a number of internal issues that are barely being reported on, and even then immediately buried.

Gaza Resident: Israel Intel Spent Hours On Phone Warning Me, Neighbors To Evacuate
A Palestinian dentist confessed that Israeli intelligence agents spent hours on the phone with him to warn him to evacuate his area and warn others before the area was targeted by the Israel Defense Forces.

Targeted For Death By Genocidal Maniacs In The White House Pentagon CDC And WHO
According to eminent Swiss microbiologist and specialist in infectious diseases, Prof. Dr. Pietro Vernazza as reported on this twitter/X thread, we’re now witnessing ENORMOUS declines in birth rates across the planet, what he calls “the largest decline ever seen in all of history.”

Another Billionaire Donor is Abandoning Far Left Columbia University Over Anti-Semitism on Campus
In October, billionaire Leon Cooperman announced live on FOX Business that he would no longer donate money to Columbia University over the pro-Hamas demonstrations that were taking place there. He said that the students have s**t for brains.

Has Noah’s Ark been found? Archaeologists reveal ‘ruins’ found in Turkey’s boat-shaped mound date back 5,000 years ago – the same period as the Biblical flood
Archaeologists believe they are one step closer to confirming the resting place of Noah’s Ark. A team excavating a geological formation in Turkey has aged rock and soil samples they believe contain ruins of the vessel, which puts the site at the same time the Bible puts the Great Flood 5,000 years ago.

Costa Rican group lost their legal appeal to have covid vaccines banned but vow that this is just the beginning
On 13 September, a Costa Rican Appellate judge ordered an oral hearing in the case of Interest of Justice vs State of Costa Rica.  In a case originally filed a year ago, Interest of Justice is seeking an injunction to have the covid-19 injections removed from the market in Costa Rica and then through a series of steps, globally.

Bill Gates Business Associates Reach Combined $365 Million Settlement with Jeffrey Epstein’s Victims
The New York Times reported on the 9th November, that a federal judge had approved the $290 million settlement of a class-action lawsuit brought by the sex abuse victims of Epstein against JPMorgan Chase—a close mutual business associate of both Gates and Epstein. Over this past year, JPMorgan has agreed to pay an additional $75 million—for a combined total of $365 million—to settle another lawsuit relating to its established banking relationship with Epstein.

UNESCO Seeks To Regulate All Internet Content 
The United Nations has been quietly granted full regulatory control over the Internet, allowing the unelected organization to censor or punish anybody who threatens to disrupt the globalist agenda.

3 More “Conspiracy Theories” Which Have Just Been Confirmed
#3 The Location Of Noah’s Ark For decades, we have known that the Durupinar formation contains the remains of Noah’s Ark…The formation is the correct size and shape of Noah’s Ark according to the Bible, and scans of the formation have shown that the Ark is down there.

The post 12 Nov 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.