Year: 2006

Try This Website…

http://www.darwinismrefuted.comExcellent stuff! »

How did I get here?

It is late and I cannot seem to fall asleep so I thought I would catch up on some websurfing. It is amazing that when you are not paying attention to what you are doing, you find yourself at a place, and it hits you and the first thing you ask is 'how... »

Are we approachable?

I was reading a blog by Mark Batterson that really spoke volumns to me. You can read the entire blog here. It is well worth the read.There has been, in the last several years a gulf that has been placed between the ministry and laity of the Body of Chr... »

It’s the small things

Have you ever noticed that in life, it's the small things that really hurt the worse and cause you to loose focus on the bigger picture? Take a splinter for example. You could have a little splinter in your foot and after a while, you will be walking a... »