Year: 2006

Gotcha Back

Have you ever been in a situation that you could not handle? One in which you have tried everything you know to try and did everything you knew to do? I have......And in all honesty, it is not a pleasant situation to be in.One of my new favorite shows ... »

Somebody is ALWAYS watching

Have you ever done something and thought that you have gotten away with it because no one saw you do it? I am not talking about something major. Just little things that we may think as being insignificant. Well, the other day, I was running late for... »

It’s in the post!

My title is the often used excuse given to me when someone has let me down, creditors, plumbers, contributors."It's in the post!"As if that makes it alright.... Jesus says, "When you pray..."We say, "Jesus! You are the Lord of our lives , we will follo... »


So.... things have been more stressful around here since I got back on Sunday. I forgot how much stuff builds up in one week. I have like 2 exams, homework, a paper, and probably other stuff I am forgetting. Also, please pray for me about my housing... »