Month: August 2020

Was Judas “Predestined” to Betray Christ?

Was Judas “Predestined” to Betray Christ? »

Stop the practices of racism we are all one in…

Stop the practices of racism we are all one in…

Stop the practices of racism we are all one in Christ. Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. »

This is a question that was presented to my class…

This is a question that was presented to my class by the professor, which we all discussed, I’m curious to read your thoughts: “Did God, who is all knowing, set us up for failure?” Thank you in advance to those who are taking the time to respond, in a kind manner, God bless you all! ? ***If it helps, we moved on to discuss creation. Specifically, Adam and Eve, God creating them, ... »

Help please with talking to atheists: how do you prove…

Help please with talking to atheists: how do you prove God exists?! »