Is faith blind, or is it something based on evidence??
Is faith blind, or is it something based on evidence?? »
Is faith blind, or is it something based on evidence?? »
2 Timothy 2:8 KJV Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to MY GOSPEL : »
When Jesus prayed in john 17 that we (believers) would be one so that the world would know that God the father sent Jesus. He also prayed that we would have love for one another so that the world would know we are his disciples. So what are we showing in these forums? Christian fighting Christian no wonder the atheist reject everything their not seeing changed lives but very sinful people no diffe... »
Why are we surprised when skeptics continue to push back after hearing the case for Christianity? What can we learn from criminal trials to help us understand why this happens? Why are we surprised when skeptics continue to push back after hearing the case for Christianity? »