Month: July 2021

Does Jesus forgive a Sin (intentional sin) after repentence? For…

Does Jesus forgive a Sin (intentional sin) after repentence? For instance, I very well know that the thing that I’m going to do is wrong and not pleasing to god. I then think, God is not going to forgive me doing it and after sometime think that i don’t care, I can’t control my urge to do it so im going to do it and just brush away fear about Jesus. »

Better to know little and love much than to love…

Better to know little and love much than to love little and know much. Worst to know little and love little. Yet it is the true philosopher and theologian who knows what it is to know much and love much. »

Worship Leader, Finley, Tenn.

Junction Church is seeking a Worship Leader or musician who is willing to work with a Worship Leader. We are mostly contemporary but do add traditional songs occasionally. Please email […] The post Worship Leader, Finley, Tenn. appeared first on ... »

Worship/Associate Pastor, Pitts, Ga.

Pitts Church of God is seeking a Worship Pastor. This position will be held in conjunction with another position, and is flexible in the additional role. Can lead by piano […] The post Worship/Associate Pastor, Pitts, Ga. appeared first on Church... »