Month: June 2023

The Location of Goliath’s Scull | Perry Stone

The Location of Goliath’s Scull | Perry Stone

Davide carried the skull of the giant, Goliath, to Jerusalem! Why and where was it buried? This is a stunning revelation that will make you shout! #perrystone #mannafest #prophecy Perry Stone or anyone from our ministry will never comment on YouTube asking for money. If you see someone do this, it is a SCAM and please report to YouTube directly. Thank you! PSM Website: PSTV... »

Is it possible that some men in the Church of…

Is it possible that some men in the Church of God are Misogynistic? ” reflecting or exhibiting hatred, dislike, mistrust, or mistreatment of women.” Since the bible teaches us that we are to love others as ourselves, that God is no respecter of persons and with God there is neither male nor female then surely among the 500,000 or so COG men in America not one of them is misogynistic. »

Gleaning the Minutes of the COG 2014 minutes financial section…

Gleaning the Minutes of the COG 2014 minutes financial section reveals a Church in trouble financially. The balance on hand in August 31, 2014 is $318!!! The balance on August 31, 2013 was a negative ($140,831). Receipts from the field in 2013 was $20 million and receipts for 2014 was $20 million. You probably do a much better job managing your personal finances than the denomination. (reminds one... »

Would your pastor know what to do if the Holy…

Would your pastor know what to do if the Holy Spirit was poured out and every person started prophesying? What would he do if they all left the building went everywhere prophecying? »