Month: June 2023

First the Mormons, now the Catholics… When in the world will the #COG start an advertising campaign with commercials and all??? #OurCOG

First the Mormons, now the Catholics... When in the world will the #COG start an advertising campaign with commercials and all??? #OurCOG »

Stepping aside

I thought the hardest part of working at Asbury would be NOT putting together services and NOT teaching from the podium. Today, that misconception went out the window. As Holly and I attended our first Sunday at Asbury, something incredible happened:... »

37. I am thankful for HISTORY…

Ten years ago today, I moved from Cleveland, Tennessee to Chicago, Illinois. And what a ride it has been!Four dwelling places, two churches, six different employers (including my present one), two very minor surgeries and one major surgery, nine years... »

The Apostolic Faith (April, 1907)

The Apostolic Faith (April, 1907)

In Africa. Monrovia, Liberia, Mar. 26.-we opened a ten day meeting in a school house, and on the tenth night, the Lord came in mighty power. Two were baptized with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues. Ten here have received sanctification, and five are filled with the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues. A brother [...] »