Month: June 2023

Do you think there is anything to stop the rapture…

Do you think there is anything to stop the rapture from happening, at any minute? »

Your Church of God testimony should be "I am saved,…

Your Church of God testimony should be “I am saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit.” Are there people in the CoG who claim to be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit? »

Searching through some Church of God online sermons, I heard…

Searching through some Church of God online sermons, I heard one of the pastor’s say that in recent months several young men in his congregation had been called to preach.That got me to thinking about all the churning questions one has in trying to validate that call and to enter into it with the least amount of disruption possible. Of course colleges and seminaries have been built trying to answe... »

Do you want your Church of God World Missions offerings…

Do you want your Church of God World Missions offerings going to support missionaries to Palestinians in Jerusalem’s territory who stand in the doorways of homes, schools and churches blocking Israeli soldiers from searching for illegal residents? Should the denomination condone this behavior? »