Month: August 2023

God Will Bring Every Work Into Judgment

Ever since God, by the mighty power of His spoken word, divided the waters and the dry land as recorded in Genesis 1:9-10, the seas of the earth have brought their waves to shore, and the tides have risen and fallen. The earth rotates around the Sun, bringing night and day, as ordered by God [...] »

Youth Pastor, Covington, Ind.

Stringtown Church of God is seeking a part-time youth pastor, approximately 20 hours per week, which includes teaching youth Sunday school program, mid-week youth meeting and scheduling fun youth activities […] The post Youth Pastor, Covington, I... »

Agree ‘18 Set for January 9-11, 2018

Agree ‘18 Set for January 9-11, 2018

Cleveland, TN–A three-day revival and prayer convocation beginning Tuesday, January 9, 2018, will take place at the Church of God International Offices. The event, which will be streamed live around the globe, is part of a three-day revival for International Offices employees, but everyone is invited to attend, either on-site or via live stream. The event includes morning sessions beginning at 10:... »

J.W. Buckalew “Rough and Ready”

The author of Incidents in the life of J.W. Buckalew was a  Church of God Evangelist. He was born John W. Buckalew in Trion, GA, on 23 July 1870 and he died  24 Jan 1918, 47 yrs old.  He was the son of an ordained deacon in the missionary Baptist church in Trion who strayed from that fold into gambling, drink, running from the local law, and other diversions before finally being saved. He  was mar... »