3 Nov 2023

Bomb cyclone Storm Ciarán turns deadly as it slams Europe with hurricane-force winds, extreme flooding
Ferocious bomb cyclone Storm Ciaran slammed parts much of Europe Thursday with hurricane-force winds topping 100 mph in several locations, leaving at least eight dead and over a million power outages across the European continent.

M6.2 earthquake hits Timor region, Indonesia
A strong earthquake registered by the BMKG as M6.2 hit the Timor region, Indonesia at 21:04 UTC on November 1, 2023, at a depth of 45 km (28 miles). USGS is reporting M6.1 at a depth of 36 km (22 miles); EMSC M6.0 at a depth of 39 km (24 miles).

Residents on ‘Edge’ Facing 2.5K Earthquakes as Italian Supervolcano Rumbles: ‘It’s Nonstop’
Italy’s government has been preparing for a possible mass evacuation of tens of thousands of residents due to a supervolcano that has caused 2,500 earthquakes since September, several media outlets reported.

Voice of the Martyrs to Hold International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians 
This Sunday (Nov. 5), one ministry will be setting aside a day of prayer for persecuted Christians worldwide.

This Is The Final Confrontation Between Israel And Hamas
Hamas has always been committed to wiping out the nation of Israel, and now after the terror attacks of October 7th Israel is committed to wiping out Hamas.  So what we are witnessing is truly a “death match” that will produce only one survivor.  Hamas is desperately hoping that all of Israel’s enemies in the region will unite and try to destroy the nation of Israel once and for all.  Meanwhile, Israel is attempting to slowly but surely strangle the terror group out of existence.  In fact, it is being reported that the IDF has now “completed the encirclement of Gaza City”….

This Is Now A Two Front War
Over the past few days, there has been a tremendous amount of speculation about whether or not the conflict in the Middle East will soon become a two front war.  But the truth is that there shouldn’t be any speculation at all.  As you will see below, the conflict in the Middle East has already become a two front war.  The IDF and Hezbollah have already been exchanging fire day after day, and Hezbollah just conducted “19 simultaneous strikes on Israeli army positions on Thursday”….

Nearly 100 Ohio churches leave UMC amid homosexuality schism
Nearly 100 congregations in Ohio have left the United Methodist Church amid the denomination’s ongoing debate over homosexuality, joining thousands of other churches in the United States that have done the same.

Elon Musk Says Ventilators, Not COVID-19 Virus, Responsible for Millions of Deaths
On a recent episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” the celebrated CEO of Tesla and owner of social media platform X/Twitter, Elon Musk, made a bold assertion. He suggested that bacterial lung infections in patients on ventilators might have led to more deaths than the COVID-19 virus itself. During this conversation, Joe Rogan pointed out, “Well, 80% of the people they put on ventilators died.”

Prostitution Booming in New York City Again – Eric Adams Blames Border Crisis
It’s like the 1970s all over again. New York City is filled with crime, dirty streets, and now prostitution as well. The sharp rise in illegal immigrants has brought with it a boom in the industry of selling sex. All that’s missing now is peepshows and a resurgence in the use of crack.

Desperate France Set to Violate European Court of Human Rights to Deport ‘Dangerous’ Foreigners’
A French government official indicated that France will expel foreigners considered a threat — regardless of what the European Court of Human Rights has to say.

Latin patriarch of Jerusalem reconsecrates Holy Land to Our Lady, Queen of Palestine 
The Latin patriarch of Jerusalem reconsecrated the Holy Land to Our Lady, Queen of Palestine, on her feast day this Sunday, amid the recently kindled war between Israel and Hamas.

House Passes $14.3 Billion Israel Aid Package, Which Will Promptly Die In The Senate
House Republicans on Thursday passed their version of a $14.3 billion aid package for Israel, which apparently needs the money in its war with Hamas. The bill proposes to make an equivalent $14.3 billion cut to IRS funding in order to offset the expense.

Internet Freedom Worsens in Countries Amid AI Advancements, Report Finds
Citizens in all regions of the world experienced tighter restrictions on online freedom from 2022 to 2023, according to a report released Wednesday, and human rights advocates say the rising influence of artificial intelligence has played a role in the worsening conditions.

UK court orders 11-year-old to have an abortion even though she wanted to keep the baby
A young U.K. girl who became pregnant by rape at just 10 years old must abort her preborn baby, a High Court judge has ruled.

Videos: Another 7000 Illegal Immigrants Are About To Cross The Open Border
A caravan composed of thousands of migrants from Haiti, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Venezuela is marching through Mexico to the southern U.S. border with leaders of the huge group saying they know they can get across because Joe Biden is “not doing anything”.

Infant Mortality Increases Following COVID Vaccinations Of Pregnant Mothers and Babies – ABC Blame Republicans
The CDC just reported significant increases in both infant mortality (deaths of children less than a year old) and neonatal mortali (deaths of infants under one month old) that started in 2022 and continued in 2023. Rates have been declining over the last several years, but this marks the first year-to-year increase in more than two decades.

A Masonic leader was at Vatican environmental conference to promote depopulation, world gov’t 
The Sixth forum of the “Laudato Si’ Communities” was held in Verona, Italy, earlier this month. This is a series of meetings devoted to propagating Pope Francis’ views on what is called “the climate emergency.”

Your Family & Friends Were Used as Lab Rats: COVID Vaccines Have Caused a Dangerously Deadly Alliance Between mRNA, Graphene & Nanotechnology
…Following the roll-out of the COVID-19 injections, a chilling alliance between graphene nanobots, mRNA technology, and nanotechnology has emerged, casting a sinister shadow over our collective future. It is our duty to expose the dystopian, harmful, and dangerous consequences that await us in this treacherous landscape. By peering behind the deceptive veil of innovation, we unveil the dark intentions and potential risks lurking within the depths of corporate agendas and power-hungry institutions.

The post 3 Nov 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.