Author: ourCOG

Why do you seek the living among the dead?

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What is the Engel Scale?

Some of you have asked me what is the Engel Scale? The Engel Scale is a way to measure the location of a person's spiritual walk. For instance, you are trying to reach a person for Christ, say a family member or a friend. This scale will help you un... »

The Effect of Culture

The sub-culture of the church in Jerusalem almost destroyed the budding Christian movement with its insistence on adherence to certain ritualistic practices found in Torah. As I read Acts, it is actually the church at Antioch that started the true cul... »

Culturally Relevant?

Should the church be culturally relevant or counter-cultural? This question is critical for those who are interested in evangelism. The word that is commonly used here is "missional." For some missional means that Christians should fulfill the social a... »