Author: ourCOG

Needed update

I just looked back over the blogs I have written, and realized that I have left a big hole in recent history. As I posted last year, my dad had cancer and I requested prayer. Well, I went to out to Oregon to say goodbye to Dad, as he was dying of c... »

Apostle’s Creed #5

I believe ... in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:I am not an inclusiionist; I am an exclusionist. Once you say "I believe one thing," you exclude all others.I believe Jesus is the Son of God. I believe He came to earth to die for the sins of mankind, including mine. I believe that He was raised from the dead on the third day, and that He ascended into heaven. I believe that He w... »

Back with a Bang

Back with a Bang

After a long break, I thought I would break the blogging ice with a very thought provoking piece from Dick Cheney. This was sent to me today through a email.Also, if you are a friend of ours or are familiar with our adoption story, you shou... »

The Police and Other Arresting Developments

So, as many of you may already know, Kim and I saw the police while on vacation in Louisville. Ever since we had driven through Louisville on our way to the Assembly last year we thought it would be a nice town to hang out in. So we picked a date solel... »