Author: ourCOG

My heart is melted

Yesterday on the way to Phoenix Josiah and I picked him out some rocks it was a great experience for me. He loves them. We got them out counted them arranged them by color and he gave me one of them back (a small blue one). Today I dropped him off at... » #ourcog #ourcog »

join us tonight @ 6pm for the Westmore Church of God Sanctuary Choir #ourcog

join us tonight @ 6pm for the Westmore Church of God Sanctuary Choir #ourcog »

Embracing Brokenness

Embracing Brokenness

You woke up this morning. You wanted it to be a good day. A good day could be defined as the following: - No one cut you off as you headed into work - No major conflicts arose at work or home - No problems with your car or other machinery throughout the day - [...] »