Author: ourCOG

Praying and Interceding Effectively for the Lost—Part 3

<!--StartFragment--> This prayer is written as though praying and interceding for a person named Jim Smith. As you pray it for someone, just change the name and gender references (him to her) as necessary. Also, as you start praying, picture the person in your mind. As the Spirit leads you, insert personalized parts and additions to your prayer for that particular individual. Before pra... »

39, I am thankful for Men’s Fraternity…

Yep, going on SEASON THREE, "The Great Adventure", I am deeply involved with the Men's Ministries of The Moody Church, a program called "Men's Fraternity" www.mensfraternity.comThis is, WITHOUT HESITATION, the very BEST program for men's ministries tha... »

Praying and Interceding Effectively for the Lost—Part 2

<!--StartFragment--> How to Pray Effectively for the Lost If we learn to pray earnestly in agreement with the Word of God, I believe we can pray with greater faith. Remember, the Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. Can we trust God to be faithful to his Word? Indeed, we can! In Numbers 23:19 we read, God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should re... »

Tessa Jane: 4 months

Tessa Jane: 4 months

While we were pregnant we received loads of advice from anyone and everyone, most of it welcomed with some of going in one ear and out the other. Some of the advice was excellent while some of it was “eh”. There was one phrase that we seemed to hear from almost everyone though: they grow [...] »