Author: ourCOG

not your usual warm, fuzzy Christmas greeting

not your usual warm, fuzzy Christmas greeting

I don’t want to be a downer – I want Christmas to be the happiest time of year for all of us. But an important part of a genuine celebration of the birth of Jesus is to consider the purpose of His birth. He was born to bring division, He came to redeem humankind. Jesus [...] »

Jim Milligan Photography Ltd


Rory Visits Santa!

Rory Visits Santa!

This is a picture of Rory - grandchild #4 - prepared for his first visit to see Santa :) What makes me even more proud is that this past Sunday was his first visit to church! »

Devotional Reflections…

Good morning! I’ve had a good devotional time this morning.  A few things really stood out… I was impressed with the thought from T.J. Addington’s book “Live Like You Mean It” that each day is an “installment of grace.”  You never know which day is the last installment.  I mention this, not to be morbid [...] »