Author: ourCOG

Turning A Bad Morning Into A Good Morning (4 tips)

Turning A Bad Morning Into A Good Morning (4 tips)

Every now and again, I wake up in a bad mood, not wanting to face the day at all. I’m sure you have experienced the same thing in your life as well. I guess we all have those kinds of mornings. It is the human experience. I’ve noticed if I don’t quickly turn my attitude [...] Related posts: 4 Tips For Frustration 4 Tips For Developing Godly Self-Confidence 5 Things To Do When Doubt Has Captured Yo... »

You Don’t Like Them And They Don’t Like You (Now What?)

You Don’t Like Them And They Don’t Like You (Now What?)

In a perfect world, every person you know would like you. However, this is not a perfect world as of yet. You can be the kindest and most compassionate person in the world, and yet there will be people that just don’t get you. There will be people that just don’t like you at all. [...] Related posts: 5 Things To Do When Doubt Has Captured Your Loved One 4 Tips For Developing Godly Self-Confidence ... »

On Giving Books to the Library

When I buy a new book, after I finish reading itI don't put it on a shelf or sell it on Amazon.No, I take it to the Library.I ask "Can you put this book into circulation?"I hand her over, knowing that I'm not losing her.No, I'm setting her free.I'm giving her as a gift, allowing her pages tominister to more literary ragamuffins just like me.Occasionally, I'll&nbs... »

Billy Graham Urges Americans to Vote Biblical Values

Billy Graham Urges Americans to Vote Biblical Values

After meeting with Gov. Romney last week—and assuring him he would do whatever he could to help the presidential candidate in the weeks leading up to Election Day—Billy Graham is urging Americans to vote biblical values on Nov. 6. “The legacy we leave behind for our children, grandchildren and this great nation is crucial,” Graham said. “As I approach my 94th birthday, I realize this election coul... »