
Are small churches necessarily bad?

We live in a season where the mega church gets most of the attention. Thousands attend weekly services and millions of dollars flow through the church office. In denominations like the CoG, mega church pastors are given priority to speak at camp meetin... »

Are small churches necessarily bad?

We live in a season where the mega church gets most of the attention. Thousands attend weekly services and millions of dollars flow through the church office. In denominations like the CoG, mega church pastors are given priority to speak at camp meetin... »

The NON Testimony

I am the first to admit my life has not been a GREAT testimony for HIS Kingdom. One stands out very much. Once aboard ship my side-job was as Mail Petty Officer. That designation was given to the shipmate in a Division to pick up and deliver the mail. That is an important time, Mail-call! If you have been in the military or assigned miles from your family you can understand that. I had a shipmate ... »

Tithe vs General Fund

I consider my support to the local church as gifts to support the work of the Lord. I have mentioned here and on the old forum that since I have been in or around the COG all my life, I know many of the southern COG ministers. Several have become Overseers and worked in COG & Missions admin. I do know many jobs that were created (evidently) for men who needed income until a 'slot' was found. I... »