Franklin Graham on Changing His Views on Homosexuality: ‘God Would Have to Shift, And God Doesn’t’
(CNSNews.com) – Christian evangelist Franklin Graham, the son of world renowned Rev. Billy Graham, said that to change his view that homosexual behavior is sinful would require God to change His word on the topic and “God doesn’t” change, His word is “the same yesterday and today, and a million years from now.”
Graham, who runs the international relief group Samaritan’s Purse, made his comments on NBC’s Meet the Press on Dec. 29. In interviewing Graham, correspondent Harry Smith asked, “Graham`s call to serve the less fortunate is something he shares with Pope Francis. And he applauds the new pope, but to a point. He [the Pope] was asked about gays in the church and he said, ‘who am I to judge?’ Would there be a shift for you on that issue?”
“But to wink at sin and to tell somebody it`s okay, when I know the consequences of what will happen one day when they have to stand before God,” said Graham. “So I want to warn people, and I think the Pope is right when he says he is not the judge. He is not the judge. God is the judge.”
Earlier in the interview Graham said, “Well, I`ve never really been one to try to be politically correct. I just feel truth is truth, and sometimes I probably offend some people.” Graham’s father, the world renowned Rev. Billy Graham, is 95 and reportedly not in good health. Franklin Graham also runs his father’s organization, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. In commenting on his father to NBC, Graham said he is “extremely weak” and that he is asking people to “pray for him.”