In Muhammad’s claim that he’s a “clear messenger” he doesn’t…
In Muhammad’s claim that he’s a “clear messenger” he doesn’t deliver a very clear message..
He appears to say that even by the standards of the Revelations Allah gave him for salvation, he’s unsure of his own salvation..Muslims say this is because “he’s a man and not a deity” Even as a man, if he believed his Revelations were true shouldn’t he be confident of his salvation if he were walking in these statutes?
Paul was confident of his salvation by the Revelations given him from the Holy Spirit..If Muhammad isn’t sure of his own salvation, why did he write a book about what Muslims must do to have salvation?
There’s a catch 22 that comes with this scripture..
He’s either one of two things..
1.) He’s a liar, and charlatan which made up the Revelations rendering him truly clueless of his state with God’s true standard of salvation.This is evidenced by the question of, is there a more perfect Muslim than Muhammad? Obviously not… So if he’s unsure of his own salvation by his “Revelations” what Muslim could be sure of theirs by the same standard of the Quran written from the supposed “prophet” unsure of his salvation by the very Revelations he wrote in it? Or-
2.) he’s a heretic of his own religion, and a fraud which chooses to rebel against the Revelations Allah gives him.
If he believes his Revelations are true, and he’s walking in the statutes of them, he should be confident of his salvation right? The only plausible explanation of his “un confidence” if it’s not option one, is that he’s an infidel who doesn’t obey Allah’s Revelations.