Just curious. If there isn’t a pre-rapture then how does…
Just curious. If there isn’t a pre-rapture then how does Jesus return with his saints on white horses if we aren’t called up first? Revelation 19:11-16! Also what does it mean when the book Zechariah 14:5 says Thus the Lord my God will come, and all the saints with You. The Bible also refers to the days of Noah- a sense of normalcy in the land. Before the day came and took them all away that didn’t heed Noah’s word! Hint to Matthew 24:36-44 That talks about a sense of normalcy. But Jesus talks about the great tribulation as not being a normal time! Matthew 24:21. These passages sound very different to me! Jesus says you will see the Son of man in the clouds of heaven! Yes I agree! But I believe that again, if there is no pre rapture why also would Jesus say in Luke 21:34-36 to pray that you will be worthy to escape the great time of trouble that shall come upon the earth and to stand before the Son of Man. Hey if anyone can prove me wrong I can admit that I’m wrong. But to me the rapture isn’t Jesus coming through the clouds for judgment. It’s him taking us home. Those left behind still will have a chance to make it! But unfortunately within the great tribulation. Revelation 7:14 these are they who came out of great tribulation.