Missouri LMR Training Conference

The impact of a strong World Missionsvision and program is priceless in reaching and evangelizing the world at large. Jesus called his disciplestogether and gave them instructions on how to impact the world with His gospel message.It is simple: Go, preach, baptize, and make disciples.  Therefore, we are to take seriously thesame lesson. We must do everything we can to take the message of the gospel toall men and women.  

With this in mind, the Missouri StateWorld Missions Board decided to bring our Local Missions Representatives togetherfor training in order to help them plan their annual missions program. On Saturday,February 25, 2012, LMRs from across Missouri will meet at the Bonne Terre Churchof God in Bonne Terre, Missouri for our first annual LMR Training Conference.  The conference will meet in the morningat 9:00 a.m. and conclude with a special meal function at lunch. It is designedto share various methods for involving the local congregation in the ministryof World Missions.

Missions Representative Charles Duncanis slated as our keynote speaker. He, along with Chairman Ira Lee Sandefer ofthe Missouri State World Missions Board, and host pastor and board memberStephon Clevenger, will present the inspiration, information, andimplementation needed to bring complete local church involvement in evangelizingour world.

Chairman Sandefer said, “It is our goalto bring every LMR, their pastor, and anyone interested in the World Mission’sprogram together to give them the tools they need to build their local church missionsprograms. This will be accomplished by helping them understand their role as aLMR, giving them clear ideas and suggestions for missionary support. We willemphasize prayer, activities, fundraising, and the importance of annual WorldMissions conferences for the local church.” 

Those interested in attending theMissouri LMR Training Conference can obtain more information by contacting theMissouri State Executive Office or by calling Stephon Clevenger at 573 358-3633.Also, information can be obtained by e-mail at pastorils@sbcglobal.net.

Join us in prayer and attendance to beequipped for the challenge of Christ to go, preach, baptize and make disciples.

Bishop Ira Lee Sandefer  
Missouri State World Missions Board,Chairman 
Pastor of Smith Avenue Church of God, Sikeston, Missouri