This just in...
Praise and Worship: February 3, 2019
Minister of Music and Media, Steve Allen leading in worship with the Westmore Praise Team and Band singing, “How Great Thou Art,” “Place of Freedom,” and “Ain’t No Grave.” Westmore S... »
“Number Your Days” pastor Loran Livingston, Central Church, March 3, 2019
Pastor Loran explains the difference between God’s Law and God’s Grace and that it is impossible to please God and fulfill the law outside of Jesus Christ and Him alone. Pastor Loran calls... »
Pastor Kelvin Page: Guard Your Heart
The focus of religion is often on the act and not of the heart. We must not forget that it is about the condition of the heart. Pastor Kelvin Page continues in the Red Letter Living series. Sunday Mor... »
Tuesday March 5: 28 Adar
It was on this day in the year 163 B.C. that Antiochus V (not to be confused with Antiochus the IV of Hanukkah fame), granted freedom of religion and political autonomy to the Jews living in the land ... »
2019-3-3_Worship »
Heart Smart PART 6 | Heart Transplant
In Matthew 13:1-9, Jesus taught us the different types of hearts that people have. Until you allow the Holy Spirit to cultivate your heart into a place of fertile soil that can produce the Spirit’s fr... »
WHY 20% of the people do 80% of the church work?
This was originally published at The Biblical Recorder. We have all heard of the economic law labeled the Pareto Principle. According to Vilfredo Pareto, for many events, roughly 80 percent of the eff... »
“The Baptism Of Fire” Pastor D. R. Shortridge Sunday Evening Service 03/3/19
“The Baptism Of Fire” Pastor D. R. Shortridge Sunday Evening Service 03/3/19 Streaming Every Sunday @ 11:00 AM Sunday @ 6:30 PM Wednesday @ 7:30 ETA Thanks for joining us in worship. »
North Cleveland Church of God Live Stream »
Monday March 4: 27 Adar
It was on this day in the year 1979 that Menachem Begin of Israel and Anwar Sadat of Egypt signed the peace treaty between their countries. Since that time, Israel has enjoyed three decades of relativ... »
citylife church Live Stream »