This just in...
Your Life Is A Letter Of God
I love getting the mail from the mailbox. In fact, it’s an obsession of mine. I have to be the one that gets the mail and looks at it first. I’m not entirely certain as to why I have such a fixation o... »
The People’s Purpose
“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!” - Psalm 133:1 This weekend, we had our youth lock-in. So much time and preparation to make it possible. I am so tha... »
The Most Beautiful Moment
I watch as my wife,after having put up with ourscreaming, hyper,sugar-filled childrensince early in the morningsits down with thembefore bed and reads to them,filling their imaginationswith possibilit... »
How Obama’s faith has changed
In Obama’s first term, an evolving Christian faith and a more evangelical style Editor’s note: This is the last in a series about the faith lives of the presidential candidates, which includes a... »
10,000 Egyptians Gather in Desert to Worship Jesus
Increased persecution, the election of a Muslim Brotherhood president, the death of the Coptic Orthodox Church pope and thousands fleeing their homeland in fear of an uncertain future. Followers of J... »
A Message from an Angel in a Whirlwind
Perry Stone teaches from Israel. »
Turning A Bad Morning Into A Good Morning (4 tips)
Every now and again, I wake up in a bad mood, not wanting to face the day at all. I’m sure you have experienced the same thing in your life as well. I guess we all have those kinds of mornings. It is ... »
You Don’t Like Them And They Don’t Like You (Now What?)
In a perfect world, every person you know would like you. However, this is not a perfect world as of yet. You can be the kindest and most compassionate person in the world, and yet there will be peopl... »
On Giving Books to the Library
When I buy a new book, after I finish reading itI don't put it on a shelf or sell it on Amazon.No, I take it to the Library.I ask "Can you put this book into circulation?"I hand her ove... »
Billy Graham Urges Americans to Vote Biblical Values
After meeting with Gov. Romney last week—and assuring him he would do whatever he could to help the presidential candidate in the weeks leading up to Election Day—Billy Graham is urging Americans to v... »
3 Ways To Give Your Prayer Life A Facelift
There are times in my life that prayer gets so commonplace that it becomes more of a daily checklist than actually meeting with God in new and creative ways that are fresh. If you’re like me, y... »
5 Things To Do When Doubt Has Captured Your Loved One
If you have ever had a friend, or a family member doubt the faith, you know how disheartening that can be. It cuts your very soul. In some cases, your friend or family member simply doubts something i... »