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Like A Mighty Army #OurCOG »
Veteran’s Day Show
Join us THIS Friday, Nov. 11th for our Annual Veteran’s Day celebration. Invite a Veteran and his/her family to a pot blessing dinner from 5:30-6:30 PM, in the Covenant Cafe.Then join us in the sanct... »
”And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” - Matthew 16:18 This week, Lindsey’s great gr... »
Why I Pat My Belly
What a beautiful moment.My little girl jumpshappily into my arms -holds me close and whispers in my ear:"Daddy, you're fat!"What do you do in a moment like this?How do you respond?For one, you're a li... »
What If Christianity Isn’t about Me?
We keep ourselves honest by examining the lens through which we see the world. If our lens is dirty or discolored, our ability to accurately examine the world is in jeopardy. The only chance we have a... »
Tales from the Crypt
Perry Stones teaches from Israel. »
Should a Christian Disobey the Government?
Obedience forms the core of the Christian faith. We, first of all, surrender our very identities to shoulder crosses and follow Christ. Day by day we push away what it is we think we need for what it ... »
5 Ways Your Phone Wants to Control You
I’ve started thinking of our phones as sentient beings. Amazing resources who come into our lives as guests, but continually battle to master us. If you aren’t aware of their schemes and d... »
Middle East Missionaries Urge God-Seeking During Violence
Bloody protests against an anti-Muslim film that began in the Middle East have reached as far as Australia and Indonesia, and continue to roil the wider Islamic world. Terrorists seized on the anger (... »
Is Attending Church All That Important?
Where do you rank church attendance? On a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the greatest, where to you place attending church service? In light of Hebrews 10:24-25, it is an serious question to ask and ans... »
Jack Hayford: Election Outcome Could Be Prophetic Announcement
My feelings, following the results of the 2012 presidential race, are not predicated on the relative merits or either candidate. They are borne with facts that are true of Americans’ lives at th... »