This just in...
Are You Dragging Around a Ball and Chain?
Some people are transformed overnight when they surrender their lives to Jesus. They throw their drugs out the window, apologize to the people they’ve wronged, break off unhealthy relationships and ma... »
Throwing Israel Under the Bus
It seems even to a casual observer, that the Middle East nations are on the verge of a tsunami of division, civil strife and Anti-American protests. From the massive protests in Egypt to the deadly at... »
Facebook – There’s Some Mean People Out There!
Bear with me briefly as I share an observation from one of the world's busiest computer sites – Facebook. I am certain those reading this need no explanation as to what Facebook is and the intent of p... »
Everyday Pray New iPhone App Includes Personal Journal and Prayer Reminders
A new iPhone app, Everyday Pray, is immediately available at the iTunes store. The creation of this unique prayer app is credited to Ms. Wendy Brand and her conviction of the power of prayer in our ev... »
AG and COGIC Break Down Racial Barriers
The two largest Pentecostal denominations in the United States–the Assemblies of God and the Church of God in Christ–have had little interaction throughout their histories, yet both emerge... »
"Who Are We Becoming?" The Five Core Values of MCOG
Who are we becoming?That’s a question that we need to constantly ask of ourselves, both personally and as a church body. From generation to generation if a church doesn’t look within thems... »
Finishers Project Repositions for Greater Impact
Finishers Project (, the world’s largest mission-matching service with a proprietary matching search engine, announces the formation of a new parent organization to house their exp... »
New Orleans Seeking Criminalization of Religious Expression
Religious speech is a criminal offense on New Orleans’ Bourbon Street. At least it will be if Mayor Mitch Landrieu has his way. Last October, Landrieu approved a religious speech ban that prohibits lo... »
Operation Compassion to Partner with America for Jesus in Philadelphia
On September 28th and 29th, America for Jesus in Philadelphia is sponsoring a community outreach entitled Love Philadelphia. This community outreach will serve two purposes. First, it will give delega... »
Leader Dismissed Over Book Profits
OCTOBER 7, 1996 The top official of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tenn.) has been dismissed after a dispute over $40,614 he received in book royalties. The church’s 18-member governing board fou... »
Church of God Sues ‘Salvation Boulevard’ by Sony Pictures Over Cross Logo
A Pentecostal and evangelical church group based in Tennessee has filed a lawsuit against the distributors of Salvation Boulevard, an independent film centered on a megachurch and its pastor’s u... »