
GA22 AGENDA: Women in Leadership 

GA22 AGENDA: Women in Leadership 

Notice of Proposal to Amend the Bylaws of the International General Council and the International General Assembly: In accordance with the Minutes of the International General Assembly, the following amendments related to the Bylaws of the Church of God are being recommended by the International Executive Council to the 2022 International General Council for consideration. PREVIOUS NOTICE  Bylaws ... »

GA22 AGENDA: Virtual Church

XIX. Report/Announcement – Virtual Church During a pandemic where health concerns forced “virtual” church services to become an option to regular in-person worship, many churches experienced great results and furthered their evangelistic outreach through different methods of virtually reaching their church members and other interested persons. Because of such great success with further openi... »

2022 General Assembly Agenda

96 2022 General Assembly Agenda ... »

Church of God General Assembly 2018 Agenda: Criminal Background Checks

Church of God General Assembly 2018 Agenda: Criminal Background Checks

XVI.      Ministerial Position Criminal Background Checks RATIONALE: In 2004, the Church of God mandated that “All applicants for the ministry, including those advancing in rank, must give consent to the state/regional office to conduct criminal background checks” (See S21 IV. 6., page 95—2016 Minutes). Since that time, background checks for all persons in certain categories, such as those working... »