
In the bible OT, God tested Abraham. (Genesis 22:1). God…

In the bible OT, God tested Abraham. (Genesis 22:1). God told Abraham about a place in Moriah, where his only son, Isaac, was to be offered as a burnt offering. (Genesis 22:2). Abraham had faith in God to return his only son after death (Hebrews 11:17-19), from his words to his servants (Genesis 22:5) and from his words to his only son (Genesis 22:8). God showed Abraham the place for the burnt off... »

Can someone please elaborate with Bible verses on what constitutes…

Can someone please elaborate with Bible verses on what constitutes a “jewish” person the ability to call themselves jewish? I need book chapters and verses to validate answers please. »

Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat, geocentric,…

Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat, geocentric,…

Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat, geocentric, heliocentric or something else? What do think? Tim Morton engages Michael Heiser’s work with his own on the subject. Let me know what you think. »

Something I always noticed that made the Bible differ from…

Something I always noticed that made the Bible differ from…

Something I always noticed that made the Bible differ from other ancient texts: exaggeration. The Bible doesn’t say a beetle rolls the sun across the sky. It says God created the sun and put it in orbit for signs and seasons. Even the idea of attempting to join those other religions makes me cringe. That’s my argument. Please watch the video, God bless! »