Wessly Lukose, Contextual Missiology Of The Spirit Pentecostalism In Rajasthan, India (Oxford, UK Regnum Books, OCMS; Eugene, OR, Wipf & Stock, 2013). Vii + 254 Pp. $24.80 Paperback.
book reviews 483 Wessly Lukose Contextual Missiology of the Spirit: Pentecostalism in Rajasthan, India(Oxford, uk: Regnum Books, ocms; Eugene, or, Wipf & Stock, 2013).... »
My favorite books of 2011.
My disclaimer about my book list is that they are not all written in 2011, this is simply a way to reflect on what I’ve read this year regardless of when the titles were written. To narrow things down a bit, I’m doing only non-fiction that has really shaped me this year. On the fiction [...] »
New Books Published in 2012 Widgets Pentecostal Primitivism Preserved In attempt to answer the present ecclesial predicaments, this work suggests a way of remembering and returning to the past. Judging from his own Eastern Pentecostal Tradition and personal salvific experience, the author calls the Christian Church to neo-primitivism expressed in the rediscovering and reclaiming of the basic order of [...] »