
WE STAND with #DuckDynasty #StandwithPhil

Duck Dynasty, Homosexuality And Political Correctness Written by Perry Noble Senior Pastor Pastor NewSpring Church Duck Dynasty is one of my absolute FAVORITE shows on television. (And Phil Robertson is my favorite character.) I must admit, I was not an early adopter. However, after I heard several people RAVE about the show, the humor and [...] »

About the Bible

About the Bible (3a Bibliata) is a publication series of some 100 research articles written for the Bulgarian Evangelical Newspaper between 2004-2010. They include topics as paleography, manuscript collage, textual criticism and much more. The historical outline explores the translation of the Bible in various languages from its conception to present day and early Bible [...] »

5 Reasons I Don’t Believe in the Good Old Days

I don’t think many would argue that we live in perfect times. There are many social and political ills that need to be fixed—so many injustices that need to be made right. On the other hand, I refuse to believe that there was a magic era where things were so much better. We tend to […] »

5 More Reviews of MacArthur’s “Strange Fire”

John MacArthur’s Strange Fire as Parody of Jonathan Edwards’ Theology, by William De Arteaga The thesis of John MacArthur’s new book, Strange Fire is that Pentecostalism and the Charismatic Movement, are heretical movements that must be rebuked and eliminated from the church. 1 Everything to do with these movements is fraudulent, inauthentic or a misrepresentation [...] »